In order to have a friend you, you have to be a friend. Be ready to be a friend.
— Maya Angelou

Social Skills Group Classes

Many young people struggle learning social skills needed to develop a sense of belonging and friendship. For children and adolescents with learning and sensory processing differences, it can be even more challenging to make and keep friends. The Covid 19 Pandemic seemed to have exacerbated these issues.

A to Z Occupational Therapy will offer Social Skills Groups in order to help our children practice and learn the skills needed to develop meaningful connection. Small groups will participate in a fun structured activity in a supportive environment with a focus on using and practicing new skills.

If you think you child may benefit from our upcoming Social Skills program offerings, please fill out the form below.

What is Mind Full Movers?

Mind Full Movers is a dynamic exercise class designed for 3-5 year olds.

Although all of the exercises are done mindfully on a yoga mat, and families often refer to this class as “kiddie yoga” or “animal yoga,”  Mind Full Movers is not a yoga class.  These imaginative poses are, in fact,  much easier and therefore more appealing to younger children.   The sequential rhythmic poses, guided imagery and breath-work presented in the class are based on the latest in neuroscience and OT evidence-based practice.  Parents and children alike, walk away feeling refreshed and centered.  This class is creative, dynamic and so much fun.

What are the goals?

We will increase strength, coordination, focus, and produce a deep feeling of wellbeing and connectedness.  The imagery, rhythmic movements and specific exercise enhance the mind body connection and sensory self regulation.

Shouldn’t the class be called Mindful Movers not Mind Full Movers?  

The class is called Mind Full Movers because of the focus on guided imagery techniques to capture the child’s attention and bring them to a safe and beautiful space in their imagination. With the recent increase in screen time our children are engaging in, using their imaginations is an important skill to foster. Studies indicate that children with active imaginations tend to score better on tests involving creative thinking and problem solving and IQ.

Each class’s soundtrack and exercises revolve around a weekly theme designed to engage the child’s imagination and increase their sense of wonder and curiosity in the natural world.  Class themes are seasonal and are modified based on the needs of the class and the season. Some examples of recent themes are: Farm Animals, Migrating Animals, Nocturnal Animals, Animals that Hibernate, and Spring Time Forest Animals.  

The history of the class development:

Mind Full Movers actually began 5 years ago inside of a preschool classroom.  I was providing Occupational Therapy treatment to a child who had severe sensory regulation, body awareness and attentional issues.  I began using modified poses that were specifically designed to increase his strength, coordination, focus.  When I presented my first sequence of exercises to the whole class, I was impressed that all the children engaged in the exercises with joy, and even the teachers seemed to walk away from the class feeling grounded and calm.  I used guided imagery, nature sounds, natural aromatics, and rhythm to capture the children’s attention and imagination and to calm the nervous system.  

Since that initial moment inside of that classroom, it became clear to me that Mind Full Movers classes were exceptionally healing and produced a deep feeling of wellbeing and connectedness for young children with and without sensory issues.   I have spent countless hours researching the neuroscience behind the efficacy of each exercise, and I take pride in how much fun the classes are.  I now offer Mind Full Movers to children at many other respected local institutions, including Chelsea Piers Kids, King School and the Stamford Museum and Nature Center. 

How long is the class?

The classes run for 30 minutes.